Saturday, November 14, 2015

3 Small Acts of Giving.

I'm not a high income earner in this season of my life. It makes me feel bad when I can't write checks to local organizations and programs that I know can really use the money to make a difference in the community. There are many families here that need help. I wish I could help them all. So until I get my own financial house in order here are three small acts of giving that I currently do:

  1. Donations of used clothing and household items. Decluttering is a continuous process in my house. I have stacks of boxes of things I no longer need that I will be donating to local charities. I've also been able to catch good deals for new clothing and toys for almost free! I'm especially excited about donating the toys when I see local businesses advertising toy drive drop offs.

  2. Amazon Smile. I recently started using this service. Basically for every qualifying purchase I make on, Amazon will donate 0.5% to a charity of my choice. I chose a local community that does so many wonderful things in my area. Read more about this free service here. I just use Amazon like I usually do, but I make sure that the website address says first.

  3. Donations of food and toiletries. I've been slowly learning about couponing here and there, which has resulted in some free or low cost items that I can give to food banks in my area. Food banks are always in need of shelf stable food and toiletry items.

These three things are small acts of giving. I hope in the future that I can afford to give much more. How do you give?

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