Sunday, November 15, 2015

Things that have left my possession.

I've been following three places* where people post about items they've gotten rid of, and those random internet people have inspired a new sporadic post series for this blog. I will, from time to time, post a list (and maybe some pictures) of things that have left my possession.

Decluttering for me is a long process because I can't do a full sweep in one go. I have to strategize. I have to muster the energy. I can't let my husband watch me do it because if he sees what are in my boxes he questions things or takes them out. I'm not touching his items; just mine...or maybe a kitchen item from time to time.

What has left my possession recently? (well in all honesty many items are still being possessed, but are humbly waiting in boxes until I can donate officially.)

  • At least two boxes of books. 
  • Our old collection of kitchen utensils. We were gifted with an all metal set so we took our cheap crap to the breakrooms at work.
  • A few coffee mugs.
  • More than three pairs of pants.
  • A small mountain of socks.
  • A pair of slippers.
  • A mirror.
  • A few brooches.
  • A watch with spare bands.
  • A few kitchen gadgets.
  • Some shirts.
  • A jumpy chair.
  • A baby activity chair.
  • Two canisters of baby food.
  • Vanilla beans. I'm not making vanilla extract this year like I wanted to so I brought the beans to work. They were excitedly taken.
  • An ice cream scoop.
  • A random assortment of office supplies.
  • A pair of shoes.
  • 2 Nail files.
  • Expired medication.
  • A scarf.
  • Various stacks of paperwork.
  • A cardigan.
  • A dress.

*Those three places are:
  1. Becoming a Minimalist
  2. Annual Declutter Challenge Facebook Group
  3. Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out the clutter

What has left your possession recently?

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