Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Last Month's Frugal Efforts.

I dried sheets and comforters in the sunlight. I found a way to hang my clothes out to dry too. (toddler logistics) I'm looking forward to a lower power bill.

I used up the last of my free sample of body wash.

I have windows open all night and close them in the morning before it starts getting hot so I can avoid using the AC when possible.

I gave my brother some sweet potato chips nobody liked so they wouldn't go to waste. He also received some random foodstuffs I no longer wanted or needed.

My toddler started eating pizza (he's a very picky eater so this is huge!) so while his consumption of organic snack foods will go down, I'll have to come up with inexpensive ways to serve him healthy pizza.

I used some gift cards earned through Swagbucks to buy the toddler some books that were on sale.

I bought my sister's birthday gift for $10 using a promotional credit from Amazon. I'll pair it with some fresh ground coffee from my coffee stash.

I read some awesome free Kindle books. I used a promotional credit from Amazon to purchase the next book in a series.

I signed up for free 3 months of Audible, which means I get three free audio books.

I signed my toddler and I up for the library's summer reading program. I borrowed some books and movies there for free too.

I finally was able to drop off several boxes of donations! They provided me with a receipt so I can write it off during tax time.

I placed an order with the new website (I scored a free 6 month membership, and they just went Live in Beta.) The savings were pretty good. Very comparable to Amazon and Vitacost so it will be a fun challenge to see where I can get things the cheapest.

I saved a bra by pulling out the pokey under wires.

My mom came over willingly to mow our property. Our lawnmower is broken beyond repair, and the grass was at least 2 feet tall. My husband did a dump run for her (and us) in exchange.

I print coupons via Swagbucks, I download coupons to my Fred Meyer/QFC card, I collect coupons from BzzAgent and what I receive in the mail from QFC, and I look for coupons in the local grocery ads and magazines. I try to pass off the ones I don't end up using, though often my toddler usually winds up with them. I've heard about military families being able to use expired coupons so I really need to look into that.

Life insurance through work is ending. I got the ball rolling on getting some elsewhere. And still nagging my husband to do it too.

I talked myself out of some purchases.

I put out the toddler's crumbs and leftover bits on the railing for the birds, squirrels, and chipmunks.

My husband gave the unused moby wrap to his pregnant coworker.

MIL offered us some silverware that her friend didn't want. Instead of throwing out our still somewhat usable utensils My husband and I are taking them to work and donating them to the break rooms.

I gave two packages of diapers to my sister's friend because my toddler outgrew them.

I gave in to my year + long desire to get a Kindle Paperwhite, however, it was used, and it cost me $21 out of pocket (after an Ebay gift card and PayPal cash). I've been reading the Kindle app on my tablet a lot lately, and my eyes are getting strained.

And the usual...bringing coffee and food to work from home.

What have you done lately to be frugal/save money?

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