Sunday, April 22, 2018

Weekly Meal Plan for April 23rd, 2018 + Fitness and Food Goals

Here is my meal plan for the week. I'm happy that I filled it out. I'm just trying to use up what's on hand even if it's not the healthiest plus keeping my picky kid in mind so I don't have to cook multiple things.

I'm pretty excited for Wednesday. For that meal I add uncooked rice, sliced fully-cooked sausage, corn, water, salt, pepper, and olive oil in my Instant Pot at the same time and let it do its thing. I need to research more one pot meals.

Breakfasts - Granola cups, protein bars, fruit, etc. I don't like to eat a big breakfast.

Lunches - Peanut butter sandwiches with veggie straws, leftovers

Food and Fitness Goals:

  1. Meal plan regularly using up what is in my pantry and freezer. Once things are eaten down I'd like to plan healthier meals.
  2. As embarrassing as it is to admit, my current steps goal is 3,500. I can make this most days if I take a walk during my breaks at work.
  3. I'd like to get back into using my stationary bike regularly, even if it's for 10 minutes a session. I need to start somewhere.

What's on your menu this week? Do you have any food or fitness goals?

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