Sunday, October 1, 2017

Weekly Meal Plan for September 25th + October 2nd + Food and Fitness Goals

I didn't post last week's meal plan because I lost track of time. My son and I were decorating planners and papers, and I broke out some washi tape for the first time. He absolutely loved that stuff. Then Monday came, and I didn't want two posts published on the same day. Then I felt awkward and decided to post it late with this week's meal plan.

The only reason why we ate out on Tuesday was because I was attending a two hour class at the library right after work.

Meal plan for the week of October 2nd:

Breakfasts- yogurt, breakfast cookies, and/or strawberry fig bars.

Lunches - peanut butter sandwiches and the ranch veggie chips my son won't eat, oatmeal, and leftovers.

Food and Fitness Goals:

  1. I want to start tracking water and food intake. (see pic below.)
  2. I want to limit sugar. It's that time of year where the big tin of butter cookies is available at Costco, where my mom bakes a lot of treats, and where coworkers bring in yummy things.
  3. I want to start thinking about ideas to make food easier. I read the other day that someone picks one meal for lunch and eats the same thing all week. Other people prep jars of salad to take all week. One reason why I struggle with meal prep is because it seems a lot of people use plastic bags and disposable meal prep containers. On one hand these items make it super easy to meal prep, but on the other hand there is so much waste involved. I could, for example, buy five reusable sandwich containers, but that doesn't quite feel right either. I really need to ponder this for awhile. Unfortunately as a busy working mom I have to cut corners sometimes and do what's best for my sanity and health.

I've started getting into using my planner "for real" and part of that is tracking my water intake. This next week I'm going to start writing down what I actually end up eating for each meal. This is for health and to gather data about eating habits. The shoe up there is to write in the amount of steps I take each day.

In case you're curious, this is the meal plan white board I use. This is the planner I currently use. I am getting a Bloom planner for 2018. It includes a water intake tracker on each day of the weekly spreads. (a feature I'm very excited about! My water drop drawings aren't very good hence using the triangles instead.)

What's on your menu this week? Do you have any food or fitness goals?

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