Monday, September 25, 2017

Recent frugal efforts.

I redeemed a $25 Swagbucks gift card. I'm going to buy this silicone mini loaf pan to make banana bread and snicker doodle bread for Christmas gifts. I usually use these paper loaf pans, but I wanted to try something new this year.

I entered some giveaways.

I took my reusable K-cups to work to make coffee after I ran out of the regular K-cups that I got on sale. I had to grind more coffee beans too.

I picked up more books from the library, and my son got a bunch too.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it on here yet, but I picked up a part time job that I can do on my own time when I'm not at my full time job.

We made foaming hand soap.

I put out a few little glass bowls with apple cider vinegar and a couple drops if dish soap to control the fruit fly population in my kitchen.

I saved some little boxes and a glass bottle to store beads and craft supplies.

What did you do to save money last week?

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