Monday, March 13, 2017

Recent frugal efforts.

We attended a free event at the library where we got to make a mason jar garden. (they also had St. Patrick's Day cookies) My son wanted a "flag" for his jar, and I labeled mine "Live!" because I am not good at keeping plants alive. I'm hoping if I put it in my window at work it will feel inspired to live.

I decided that my life would be a little easier if I had more than two pairs of pants that I regularly wear. I was considering saving up money to buy more from Target because that's where I got my pants last time, and I know the size so I don't have to bother with clothes shopping. (I dislike clothes shopping a lot.) Then after the library event I decided to stop into the little thrift store, and I found a nice pair of jeans for $4. $25+ saved!

I listened to free podcasts. I watched free videos on YouTube that I found inspiring.

I borrowed a book from the library instead of buying it.

And to counteract the above, I found a book at the thrift store for $0.25 or $0.50 that I've been waiting to read for 11 months because the library's ebook hold list is long for this particular title.

I brought food, water, and coffee to work most days. (bought coffee from a shop a few times.)

I received a free full-sized fancy toothpaste from BzzAgent to try.

I rescued various sized gift bags from work. They were cleaning out some old stuff, and these clean new gift bags were set to be tossed. I asked if I could take some. Even though they're branded I'm going to use them for future gift giving occasions. I grabbed some extras for my mother in law and son. He's at the stage where he loves filling bags with random stuff.

I redeemed a $5 Amazon gift card from Bing.

My son attended a free indoor playground.

We made foaming hand soap.

What did you do to save money last week?

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