Monday, July 11, 2016

Last week's frugal efforts.

We attended a free lavender festival, but we did spend a little bit of money.

We attended a free puppet show at the library...for about five minutes. The little one couldn't keep still.

My son went to the free story time at the library. Because of his age he can technically go to two different age groups. They did a craft in the older group.

My mom brought over some outdoor tables, chairs, and a picnic table that are kid sized. My toddler was thrilled.

My husband brought a couple loads of our recycled things to the recycling center. This includes cardboard, plastic bottles, aluminum, tin, and glass bottles. We take the time to set aside things that can be recycled instead of just throwing them away. Garbage costs money, but recycling is free.

We cleaned out our ancient deep freezer! It's currently standing empty and unplugged for the first time in 5 years. I'm anxious to see how this helps our power bill. We were able to fit all our frozen food into the side freezer of the fridge. I'm hoping we can keep the deep freezer empty until this fall when we buy a side of beef from a local farmer.

I fixed the magnetic eraser for the fridge whiteboard instead of buying a new one. ($2.74 + tax saved)

I bought a video game expansion pack with my free Amazon slow ship credits.

What have you done to save money lately?


  1. In some states old freezers and refrigerators can be replaced for income eligible families or are eligible for major rebates on a new one. They're such energy hogs the goal is to get them off line. Might be worth checking out with your utility company.

  2. Hi Marion, thanks for stopping by! My power company does do things like this I'll have to check if they rebate freezers. Thanks for the reminder. :)
