Monday, June 6, 2016

Last week's frugal efforts.

My husband and son picked flowers from the yard.

I was able to complete two math courses in the same quarter so it's like getting one class for free and will enable me to be that much closer to being caught up on math.

I brought a reusable water bottle, coffee cup, and glass containers to work.

Something we always do that I forgot to put down here is recycling. We separate cardboard, plastics, glass, aluminum, tin, etc. to eventually take to the dump for free. This greatly reduces the amount of trash we have.

This might sound silly, but I watched some Youtube videos of a SAHM and how she manages her time and three kids. Her videos have inspired me to manage my time better.

I checked out some free ebooks from the library.

The weather is warming up so finally my husband isn't using the heat as much/as high at night. Our power bills go down drastically during the summer even when we use air conditioning often.

I filled out another survey from the Fred Meyer receipt for free fuel points.

I was looking through some cookbooks, and my son really enjoyed looking at the pictures so now he asks to look at cookbooks before bedtime. :)

What have you done to save money lately?


  1. I love flowers picked from the yard, how sweet, and free and beautiful are awesome together! Any new recipes you are going to try...I hate to cook.

    1. I agree! Some of the roasts looked good and a chicken veggie soup looked awesome. Since the weather is warming up I'm going to try to find some crockpot meals that the three of us will eat. What a challenge that will be!
