Monday, May 9, 2016

Last Week's Frugal Efforts.

I made birdseed wreaths for Mother's Day gifts. I found the instructions here. I made these for Christmas last year too, and they were received very well. It's a project my son enjoyed helping with.

I almost gave up on making the Mother's Day cards. My craft room is a mess, and my son was sick so I felt like it was easier to have my husband pick up a couple cards. But my son started feeling better and was occupied so I snuck into my craft room to put some cards together.

I completed financial aid paperwork so I can continue my online schooling.

My new job keeps me busy. So busy that I don't snack and online shop out of boredom anymore.

I borrowed books and movies free from the library.

My son and I went to buy eggs from our farmer neighbor, and he let us see and hold the new baby goats as well as feed the chickens. Free memories and experiences.

I listened to Dave Ramsey's free podcast online.

We attended a free parenting class that helps us prepare our son for Kindergarten. While we were there he enjoyed free childcare with other kids.