Monday, March 28, 2016

Recent Frugal Efforts

I printed a page with shapes and colored them in for a makeshift shape and color poster for my son's wall.

I bought two kindle books that I've been wanting for a long time with the free digital credits I got from Amazon.

I took the survey on the Fred Meyer receipt for fuel points.

We went to the library and brought home a stack of books and DVDs for the little one. He immediately spent an hour stacking and sorting them all. I already requested more books for next week.

I reviewed items I got for free or at discounted prices from AMZ Review Trader. It's a website where sellers approve your request to review their products on Amazon. Some things I've gotten are a compost bin, toys, LED light bulbs, watercolor pencils, and more. They have food, clothes, etc. items are always added because sellers are always looking for honest reviews. Tip: I choose slow shipping for these items so I get a $1 digital credit to use to buy ebooks or shows on Amazon Prime.

I went on a job interview, and I'm applying to several jobs that pay more. They say if you want a raise you need to get a new job. (so true...)

I checked out some ebooks for free from my library's website.

My son got a play kitchen for Christmas, but some of the hardware was stripped. I emailed the company directly, and they sent me replacement hardware for free. What great service. My son was thrilled with his kitchen and plays with it everyday.

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