Saturday, April 18, 2015

Last week's frugal efforts.

I inventoried my son's clothes so I know what to buy. I was going to stock up on sizes, but I've been advised to not do that past size 2T due to a multitude of that saves me a lot of money! I'll buy as needed, and I learned that I can get new jeans for $3 on sale at Children's Place with a free shipping coupon. So when I am in need of clothes I'll check that side out.

I purchased a reusable Swiffer duster "refill" on Etsy instead of buying disposables. It was cheaper too (even with a coupon!) No more buying refills!

I bought toddler books that were on sale and sippy cup replacement parts using Amazon gift cards from Swagbucks and PerkTV so it cost nothing out of pocket. He loved his books, and I love that the replacement parts were cheaper than buying a new cup, and they will last twice as long.

I carpooled to/from work and brought my coffee/food from home.

We found that using coconut oil on little one's itchy skin soothed it so now we don't have to buy "anti itch cream" per MIL's request.

I've been enjoying free ebooks from the library.

I have been using up things in the pantry that have been living in there for awhile. This saves on the need to spend more on groceries. I made some orange crush jello that was kind of gross, but my MIL liked it so I gave her the other two boxes. We've cut down on soda to practically zero so I brought all the Hansen's brand cans to work for people to enjoy. I did keep the root beer so we can make root beer floats as special treats as the weather gets hotter.

I'm using up my various products (moisturizer, etc.) so I can use more natural and simple items as well as make my own.

I took my toddler for a walk to see the cows and goats on the mini farm down the road. He loves watching them, and sometimes they will come right up to the gate.

What were your frugal efforts last week?


  1. I also went through my boys clothes this weekend.(Ages 7 & 9) I always try to purchase clothing items when they are on sale at Value Village & Salvation Army for 50% off. I add them to a bin and then when the next season rolls around we pull out the bin and go through them. I have found this strategy to work very well for our family and it is so much better then dragging 2 boys to the stores! They love going through the bin!
    This weekend I did some baking. I bake all of our muffins, waffles & cookies in bulk and then freeze them.
    My sister & I walked the kids to the grocery store. On the way we found a "moving sale" and I purchased an Under Armour shirt for my son for .50 cents.
    I also went to the library and got 2 new books. I always try to get one fun read and then a book to learn something new. I got Nora Roberts - The Next Always (1st book in a trilogy) and Investing for Canadians for Dummies.
    You inspired me with your decluttering challenge so I set off for the family room/playroom. I did a lot of purging of kids books/toys, some cleaning and re-arranging. I will now sell the items on Kijiji.

    1. One day I hope to bake a bunch of muffins, waffles, and cookies to freeze. Right now we eat up what I make.

      That's a good idea about your library rule. I go in spurts. I usually get a bunch of books on a particular subject I'm interested in, then if I have time I throw in a fun book.

      Aww I'm glad I inspired you with the declutter challenge. (I have a post for tomorrow about how I failed the challenge though. ha!)

      Thanks for reading! Sorry for the late reply.
