Monday, March 23, 2015

Things I got for Free. Haul #1

I thought it would be fun to show the things that I get for free and share how I obtained them. Receiving free things helps me stretch my money further and allows me to put more into savings for other things.

Below is my first haul. Not pictured: bamboo spoon and coffee creamer.

What's pictured?

  • two bags of vegetarian entrees
  • one package of applewood smoked bacon
  • two yogurt cups
  • one bag of organic banana chips
  • one bag of ground coffee
  • one package of tortillas
  • one jar of salsa
  • one container of liquid water enhancer
  • one piece of Easter candy
  • one bag of pasta
  • one package of brownie mix

Estimated value of above items: ~$48.97

How did I get these things for free? It was really easy actually. It was a mixture of a buy one get one free coupon I received in the mail, being a BzzAgent, and loading the free weekly item from Kroger.

What is a BzzAgent? The website is a word of mouth marketing company. I signed up to be a product tester in exchange for writing reviews and talking to people about the things I received for free. They have different campaigns, and they offer them to you depending on the short surveys you take.

What free weekly item from Kroger? I have two local Kroger stores: Fred Meyer and QFC. Every Friday I log in to my QFC account, go to the coupon section and load the free item to my card. Then when I go to the store the cashier scans my QFC or Fred Meyer card (they're connected) and the item's price is automatically deducted to zero.

My local small grocery store chain also does a free weekly item (with a $5 purchase) that I used to take advantage of, but I don't get out that way much anymore. If you haven't been paying attention to the weekly grocery store ads you receive in the mail you should take a look to see if they are offering any free incentives.

It didn't take much effort for me to get the above free things. I hope this post has inspired you to the possibility of free things to help stretch your food budgets further.

What have you received for free lately?

1 comment:

  1. Either you are better supplied for such free services in your part of the world, or I don't read the right things or visit the right sites! Interesting to read how you operate though!
