Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How to Host a Mommy and Me Planning Party. #momlife

Need an excuse to spend time doing something for yourself? Perhaps a bit of "me" time in the midst of being an active parent? Well, I have invented a "planning party" that enables me to creatively utilize my planner while keeping an eye on my kid. I even get to spend quality time with him.

All you need is your planner, a planner or notebook for your kid(s), and some craft supplies. Oh, and some water so you guys don't get dehydrated. Sometimes my planning parties last a few hours! I think one thing that keeps the excitement going is that he gets to borrow my supplies. I keep them put away during the week and only let him use some of them during this special time.

Don't forget the stickers! I picked up two 500 count emoji stickers at the Dollar Tree for $1 each. I sometimes find good sticker deals on Ebay, at the local thrift store, or through careful bargain hunting. Stickers are a great way to talk about feelings, shapes, and colors. They're also good for communication through association. (The cake reminds him that his birthday is coming up. The hearts prompt him to tell me he loves me.)

Oh, washi tape. The first time I watched a planning video on YouTube where someone pulled out a washi tape from their huge stash I was baffled that one person could own so much decorative tape. So then I bought a box of it on sale at Michael's craft store, and now I understand. They lend a huge hand in the creative process.

My son likes "measuring" and cutting his own tape. He counts the shapes and talks about the patterns. Sometimes he'll mutter to himself things like he 'needs the cupcakes because mommy likes cupcakes.' I was very surprised at how excited he was and still is over washi tape.

While he's busy picking out stencils I'm using one to trace tennis shoes in each day of the week so I can track my steps. I also use small circles to track water intake. (You can read more about how I use my planner here.) These are the stencils I have.

I have been holding "planning parties" for about 5 weeks now. It started off as me wanting to explore a new hobby, and now it's a little party that my son looks forward to. Every Sunday he asks if it's time to get out the stamps and tape. Sometimes I put on music. At our latest party I had Depeche Mode on, and he told me he liked this music. (proud mom moment.)

I already ordered my planner for 2018 because I was excited to get it, I purchased a matching "imperfect" planner for my son for Christmas at a reduced cost, and there was free shipping. I got the Bloom Vision Planner for me, and the smaller version for my son, both in the fern design. I'll review them in a future post. Get 10% off here if you want to order one for yourself.

I hope this post inspired you to have a little planning party of your own or even just a crafting party with your kid(s.) What special activity do you do with your little ones?

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  1. This is such a great post! I would love to host one for my daughter!

  2. My daughter would love this. Thank you for the info!

  3. What a great idea! Going to try this with my daughter.

  4. This is such a good idea! I have a son but I bet we could still do something like this.

  5. I love this idea! I am definitely going to give this a go with my daughters

  6. Love, love all of your ideas. Did not know you could get so much at dollar tree. Will use this.

  7. This is such a great idea!! very inspiring! Thanks for sharing!
